Something to consider if you are making a new track today..
This morning on my way to the office I read Seth Godin’s latest blog entry. If you don’t know Seth’s work already I highly recommend you check out his blog by clicking here. Todays post was called ‘The next one or the last one?’ it was just five lines long and really struck a chord with me.
The blog post made me consider what I was planning on spending the day working on but also seemed like there was a strong message in it for musicians and producers.
With that in mind, I’ve taken his post and changed a few words. If you are working in the studio today read it and give it some thought.
This track you’re making…
This day you’re spending in the studio…
This idea you are working on…
Is it merely the next one in a long string of next ones, good enough to get you through?
Or is it special enough to be the best one yet? The one you’re remembered by…
Original words by Seth Godin, Adapted by Matt Benn for
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