Profile Description
The UK has played a major part in the development of Electronic dance scene worldwide with genres originating in or radically developed in the UK, so it makes sense that we have our very own Electronic music conference based in the cosmopolitan city of Brighton In the current world of emails and social networking, this is one time in the year to meet face to face, to personalise and keep up relationships.
The Brighton Music conference is a golden opportunity to cultivate relationships on a worldwide scale. Here you have opportunities to expand your knowledge base, network with others in your field and gain valuable insights to future musical trends, technology through to the working mechanics of how the electronic music industry works.
Record labels, artist agencies/management, DJ’s, clubs and distributers will all be looking for new talent. You will have the opportunity to exhibit, demonstrate your product or service. You will have the opportunity to build potential partnerships, relationships that will help you personally or professionally. The opportunity to meet people at the top of their field, face to face. Brighton music conference aims to keep the ethos in place of a conference, rather than aimlessly try and meet in expensive unsociable environments and have failed meetings away from the actual conference. We are creating an affordable professional platform to meet under one roof in daytime hours.
Brighton Music Conference (BMC)