3 Things you should never do when contacting record labels.
3 Mistakes Artists Make When Contacting Record Labels
Contacting record labels with your music can be a tough task. First impressions count so if you are going to send an email to a label make sure you don’t make any of the mistakes listed below:
Use Streaming Links instead. One of the quickest ways to ensure your demo gets deleted and is never listened to is sending huge files as email attachments. Record labels receive hundreds of demos, the last thing they want id your music clogging up their inbox. Send your music with a private Soundcloud / Dropbox link not as an attachment.
Be personal. No one wants to receive an email which has been sent to a hundred others. Get personal and send emails to individual contacts. If you really must send to several contacts at once, use the BCC field not the CC field but remember a personal email is always better.
It’s also good to include a small amount of info about the music you are sending and why you have decided to send it to the label you are sending to but don’t send your life story, no one has time for that!
Only send music to labels that might appreciate it. Be specific, do your research and make sure your music would fit in with the other artists and tracks that the label you are writing to. If your sending music to a major record label, make sure you have the right A&R contact, don’t send your music to anyone in the wrong department as it’s sure to be ignored!
Send demos to labels in the format they request them in and try to find out as much as you can about the people you are sending your music to before sending an email. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
If you found this post useful you may also want to check out the video below which explains some of this in more detail:
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